Weakness Job Interview Uk

Friday, 11 June 2021

"I often find it hard to take constructive criticism of my work, but have seen that when I listen my work improves. " What not to say when responding to a weakness interview question While not preparing for an interview can leave your answers feeling like they lack depth, there are certain answers and approaches that could leave your head in your hands wishing you hadn't said what you did. The big no go answers "I don't have any weaknesses" – while you may think that you are well-rounded, this answer can come across as arrogant, and in denial, giving the interviewer the impression that you are unwilling to develop. "Kryptonite and/or hot chocolate are my weaknesses! " – You may believe responding in a "witty" manor will show your playful side, but it shows a lack of understand of why the question is being asking in the first place. "Where do I start…. " – an interview isn't a place for you to divulge your entire life history to justify even the smallest of issues. Clift continued: "When asked about your weaknesses, don't think of this as an opportunity to get things off your chest.

My greatest weakness? Job interviews | Daily Mail Online

You want to leave the interviewer thinking about how good you are, not questioning your integrity. " Like every part of the job interview process, being asked what your weaknesses are all part of the process, and something that you can prepare for. Remember, solid preparation can lead you to the job you've always wanted. Related Articles Tell me about yourself! How to tell your story in an interview How to practise for job interviews 40 interview questions & best responses Tricky job interview questions and how to answer them 6 questions to ask at an interview

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Then suddenly, there it is, like crocodile eyes in the water, the question from hell: 'What would you say is your greatest weakness? ' What am I to reply? I have to answer. But will my answer lose me the job? It's a sign of our recessionary times. There are a lot of people filling out job applications at the moment. From 69 applicants for every graduate post in 2010 there were 83 applicants in 2011. And it's not just graduates. Daunting experience: When an interviewer asks you what your biggest weakness is, what should you reply? (file photo) When I worked in a supermarket a few years ago, everyone could be fairly sure of a job stacking shelves if they hunted long enough. Now even Poundland has 25 applicants for each minimum-wage post. So yes, employers can pick and choose — but is this power going to their heads? With extraordinary hubris, they've bestowed upon themselves the right to explore the darkest recesses of our psyche, kicking open whichever door they please and demanding to see inside.

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How to answer 'what are your strengths and weaknesses'? | Jobsite Worklife

Even if you've never even run for a bus, that could work. But the one thing you must never, ever do is reveal a real weakness. Because however much they may pretend otherwise, employers aren't interested in fallibility. It unsettles them, it inserts a worm of doubt. It threatens to expose job interviews for the haphazard, dip-in-the-bran-tub farce they actually are. They may ask about weaknesses, but all they really want is reassuring strength. So if nothing else comes to mind, remember the great fall-back position: 'My greatest weakness is that I'm a workaholic. ' Sadly, that's a weakness they'll love you for.

Weaknesses job interview confrontation

Candidates should think closely about how they frame their weaknesses, and where possible turn them into a positive. But don't try to pull the wool over the interviewer's eyes, saying that you work too hard or stay in the office too long as this is far too self-serving. Remember businesses want someone who can not only own up to their weaknesses, but also demonstrate how they are dealing with their shortcomings – it's about striking the right balance. " Top tip: Try not to use the word weaknesses when responding to the question. Use phrases like "An area I am looking to improve is…" or "I've noticed that I have a gap in my knowledge here…" as this will showcase that you're trying to develop. What are 'positive weaknesses' for a job interview? "I've found that my organisation skills aren't the best, but have worked hard to ensure that my time management is up-to-scratch, ensuring that I am on top of my workloads. " "I've noticed that I have problems in rushing my work during busy periods, so ensure that I always take the time to sit back, read and reflect on the quality of work I am delivering before clicking send! "

'So let's take a look in here, shall we? And what we really want to see is your most shaming weakness! ' It's an entirely useless question, of course, for who will answer it truthfully? The employers may imagine they're being terribly clever and that it's going to reveal some deep, game-changing inner truth. But this is territory even psychotherapists are cautious about. It's only in a relationship of trust that such an admission will be made: and therapists the world over know there has to be a lot of affirmation before people unfurl themselves even a little. Is anyone going to expose their inner darkness to some spotty-faced middle manager in the HR department? Not a chance. Making an impression: The survey also suggests split ends and chipped nail vanish give of a bad first impression At the supermarket where I worked we thought HR stood for 'Harmful Relationships'. So what happens when this question is asked? It tends to get the answers it deserves, which is various forms of deceit.

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